Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Firewalk Workshops

If you are ready to step up your process of transformation, a firewalk workshop is for you! The path of fire is for those dedicated to living their life purpose.

Through a four to six-hour process, participants identify blocks that no longer serve their divine nature. This is followed by an experiential process of preparing for and participating in the ancient rite of firewalking. It should be noted that whether or not a participant chooses to walk the fire, there is a transformational shift that takes place by way of group dynamics. The only requirement is that each workshop participant be "open to the possibility of walking on fire".

Participants of firewalk workshops:
  • Identify old patterns and beliefs
  • Deepen the level of trust
  • Open pathways to transformation
  • Raise vibrational level of body
For workshop schedules, click the "Upcoming Workshops" link on the right column of the blog or contact the facilitator using the contact information at the bottom of the blog.